Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 27 - CENSORED #2

So I went into work today and found this lovely new addition on the staff notice board!

It comes as the next segment in the bumber sticker series..And if you speak hebrew, or at least know the Israeli Slang, you should be able to pick up what it's saying, and why it shares the same title as another previous picture!

Day 27 - Thursday 10 June 2010

And PS on another note, remember that great poster I saw that was put up by the Bnei Snif, supporting the IDF soldiers? Yeah so while I was working, I saw someone had taken it down and was carrying it down Emeq actually really annoyed me! I wanted it to be the photo of the day, you know, exemplifying the irony of the country that people who have a different opinion simply act out about it, even against the work of young kids..but I couldn't pull the phone out fast enough..Still, thought I'd voice the opinion!

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