Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 5 - Ownership

Today was Shavuot, the day commemorating in the Jewish Calendar when were given the Torah, our holy book, over some 3000 years ago at the revelation at Sinai.

The night preceding this is spent delving into the depths of Torah and studying it, which being back in Israel was always going to be a highlight! A nice casual dinner dinner with old friends, then spending the evening with boys on Tafnit and visiting the old walls of Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi for learning was a real awesome way to celebrate.

The early hours of 3am saw the walk to the Kotel for the morning prayers service of Shacharit, and as much as I would have loved to have uploaded an image of that for today's picture, alas, I couldn't take photos! (There were some people there taking photos, and I thought for a second about asking them to email me one, but realised its just not cricket..) So what I do have is a picture of my room (or potential room - still working that out) in the state of moving in!

Day 5 - Wednesday May 19 2010

What I have been thinking about over the Chag though was ownership.

Ownership of the Torah, of the values of Judaism, of the power of the Jewish Nation. To celebrate Shavuot as my first chag as a real Israeli was something spectacular. It is one of the Shalosh regalim, when all the Jews would amass on Jerusalem to bring their first fruits to the temple; and still to this day, walking to the Kotel at 3/4am and seeing Jews come from all streets, roads, alleys, nooks and crevices of Jerusalem, all converging on the same one place is a phenomenal sight and something to be a part of. It is one of those things I have been looking forward to all these years and for me, a true sign of being home.

But through all the learning of Torah, and celebrating the chag, there was an added bit of celebration for me. Yesterday, before the Chag, I finalised my living arrangements with two friends and moved into the apartment. To be able to leave the Kotel at 7am this morning and say, "I'm going home now," pulling the keys out of pocket and thinking 'WOW! I own property in Jerusalem.'

Something that hundreds of thousands, millions of Jews for over 2000 years didn't have the merit to do, I am living. And I am loving it.

Shavuot 2010 תש"ע for me will always be symbolised by this feeling of coming home - to the country and to the nation of Bnei Yisrael - and of ownership; of being part of fulfilling the dream of the Jewish people for thousands of years and knowing I will be adding to the continuation of this fulfillment for the rest of my life and legacy.

Plus, keeping one day Chag is incredible - it's awesome to celebrate the day for it's day and now to relax!

Shavua Tov! =)

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