Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Day 92 - Modesty

So after our aimless wanderings around town after some quite Motzash Drinks, I looked up at one fo the balconies I walk past constantly in town to see this humorous sign; in translated Hebrew it reads:
"Men may pass through here only when dressed Modestly. Women feel free [to go as you like]!"
I found it rather comical and a good laugh at 2.30am.. =)
Have a great week all and keep smiling!
NB: Apologies for the past week, it wasn't laziness, there was a legitimate reason this week of my internet being down. ATM I'm in the ice-cream shop around the corner so I can finally update! [I can highly recommend Sorrento Gelati on Rechov Ha'Lamed Hei in Katamon!]
Day 91 - Self Portrait
So I've been thinking about getting a new SLR camera recently, and we had someone staying over who just got a new one, so I decided to play around a little bit.
I really like the resolution and speed of the lense, though the zoom was a little lacking, I could always get a better lense! We'll see what the investment bank of my savings account has to say in the near future..
Until then, we can all still enjoy the camera phone images! =)
Day 90 - Antiracist

Found ourselves at Gan Sacher this evening for a nice dinner with friends.
Lash and Jon tried to steal my bike to take it to this skate park/ half pipe they have there - needless to say I was freaking out and went to check the bike was OK..
When I got there, I saw this graffiti which stood out and spoke to me. All the other graffti and tags had been drawn over or written over numerous times, except for this one. Obviously the message stood out to the others as well.
A Skate park is a place where people with one common ideal go to - they love to skate, have some fun, in a risky kid of way - and don't go to fight, argue or bicker.
It's a shame a lot more people don't see this..
Day 89 - Bicycle, BICYCLE!

Another Homage to my bicycle..without which I would be getting no exercise and paying for way to much transport!
I road to the Old City to go visit Josh and Miri Goodhardt who made Aliyah today! VeShavu Banim LiGvulam! Mazal Tov Guys.. =)
I road today from home, to the Old city, around town, and back home..this photo was taken to emphasise the two things I have been doing a lot lately and visiting a lot lately - using/riding the bike and visiting The Sultans Pools, where the Arts and Crafts festival has been, it's an awesome view onto the old city..
(Taken from the bridge crossing Derech Chevron, near the Begin Center)
Plus the day after, I rode it from home to Rechov Aza, up to Shteiblach then down to Gan Sacher..a nice little workout.. =)
I road to the Old City to go visit Josh and Miri Goodhardt who made Aliyah today! VeShavu Banim LiGvulam! Mazal Tov Guys.. =)
I road today from home, to the Old city, around town, and back home..this photo was taken to emphasise the two things I have been doing a lot lately and visiting a lot lately - using/riding the bike and visiting The Sultans Pools, where the Arts and Crafts festival has been, it's an awesome view onto the old city..
(Taken from the bridge crossing Derech Chevron, near the Begin Center)
Plus the day after, I rode it from home to Rechov Aza, up to Shteiblach then down to Gan Sacher..a nice little workout.. =)
Day 88 - The Vote

I had one fo those Jam Packed days again!
After getting up earlier then usual (7am) to go to Davening, I locked Jonny out of the house by accident! Which worked out well because he then gave me a lift to Bar Ilan University!..
Then I got on a bus and made my way to the Australian embassy to vote for the federal you can see from the image I chose for today - it's an incredible view of Tel Aviv!
From there, I met friends and we wandered around Shuk HaCarmel for a while, and in doing so (walking to the embassy and around the shuk) expanded my repertoire of Kosher places to eat in Tel Aviv to 6! I'm so happy..including a really good shnitzel in pita place in the Shuk..can highly recommend.. =p
From there, we made our way to the beach for like 5 hours, which was awesome..Finally got to play Woboba on the beach and got a very decent tan..Also, went inside HaYarkon 48 for the first time ever..I can see what all the hype is about..
After the beach, made my way back to Jerusalem to go to the Arts and Crafts festival for the second time - partially because the last time I missed the Israeli Artists and partially because Mosh Ben Ari was playing a concert..regardless, it was an awesome night once again!..
After the long day, made my way home via Baba, said hi to the boys and called it a night..
Oh what a day!..
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Day 82 - Hip Hop Zioni

After working in the morning and chilling in the arvo, I had been planning since Friday night when I saw the poster to go and see Ha'Dag Nachash tonight.
A little bit about the band, their first album was released in 2000 and since then, have released three more, their most recent this year, titled '6'. In the last 10 years, they have become one of the most famous and loved bands in Israel and recognised Israeli bands around the world for their music, and lyrics. They are provocative, and inspirational. And command a large group of followers, both hebrew and non-hebrew speakers. Their most famous song being 'Shirat HaStiker' off the 2004 album, 'Chomer Mekomo.'
Their famous phrase of 'HaDag Nachash osim Hip Hop Zioni' (HaDag Nachash makes Zionistic Hip Hop) was something I saw come into fruition last night. They inject their music with their mixed political views and views on Israel.
After having all the friends who were meant to meet me there pull out at the last minute, I found myself in a mosh pit of over 300 screaming teenagers (much like Big Day Out come to think of it..) I thought this would be boring, but as soon as the music started, I knew this thought was out the window..
To see all these kids, majority of which would have no connection or interest in Youth Movements (how we in Australia would connect to our idealism and Zionism), shouting out the words, with meaning and intent - of this band who connect with all of their followers, to me was inspirational. Where I was thinking I would be bored and standing in a crowd of little pishers, I got slightly upset with myself that I had judged them like that without thinking. In the end, it was them that inspired me.
It reminds me of the ideals that the bands of the 60's and 70's inspired, how the Hippy Generation had bands that promoted love and tolerance and the messages were spread through music. Personally, I love music, but I find myself as one a few who actually appreciate musci not only for the beat, but for the lyrics as well. I found myself last night in amongst a massive crowd of people who quite possible see the lyrics as the highest part of this music.
I need to think more but if I have anything else to add to this post I will later..
I cannot begin to think about how many people were there, I have the images in my head (and some bad shots from the camrea phone) but I would have to say no less than a thousand..
The concert was part of a two week festival (held annually in Israel) called 'Chutzot Ha'Yotzer' the Internaiton Arts and Crafts festival. I went for a walk around the 35 countries who are exhibitioning things and man is it incredible! I'm seriously thinking I have to go back next week to look again..and for Mosh Ben Ari..
Yallah I'm off to work but keep smiling =)
Arts and Crafts,
Day 82,
HaDag Nachash,
Day 81 - Wine

So after another TLV Tuesday spent on the beach and visiting the cousins from England (who are so cute!) I came back to Jerusalem to go to the Jerusalem Wine Festival with friends.
Let me just set the scene; 60 Shekel to get in, a free wine glass and unlimited wine tastings of Israel's top wineries and many small boutique wineries. Needless to say, it was very fun!
This picture was when we were waiting to pick up a cheese plate, and low and behold, the place is called Jacob's Farm cheese! Why not have a photo!?..
And don't worry, we didn't eat too much cheese, because as Danny Mirvis always told us, 'you can get drunk of eating too much cheese.'
So, my Top 3 Wines from the night (Winery, Bottle):
(1) Psagot, Edom
(2) Movy, Klali
(3) Galil, Pinot Noir
Keep smiling and I can highly recommend this event to anyone in Israel this week or this time in years after! =)
Day 80 - Still
There's been a new addition to the car bumper stickers lately - this one about that features picture of Gilad Shalit and Ron Arad (Israel's longest MIA), with the phrase:
'Gilad Adayin Chai?'
'Is Gilad Still Alive?'
Personally, II don't like this new one. Until now, all the stickers have read 'Gilad Adayin Chai' no question mark; just the blanket statement that 'Gilad is still alive.'
The addition of the question mark and putting it alongside an image of Ron Arad to me is dis-pleasing.
Yes we all still hope and pray for Ron Arad to return, but alas, the situation of Gilad isn't as severe as Ron's more than 20 years in captivity..
I and all of Am Yisrael hope and pray every day that Gilad and all of our MIA's will return home safely and healthy as soon as possible.
'ושבו בנים לגבולם'
'Is Gilad Still Alive?'
Personally, II don't like this new one. Until now, all the stickers have read 'Gilad Adayin Chai' no question mark; just the blanket statement that 'Gilad is still alive.'
The addition of the question mark and putting it alongside an image of Ron Arad to me is dis-pleasing.
Yes we all still hope and pray for Ron Arad to return, but alas, the situation of Gilad isn't as severe as Ron's more than 20 years in captivity..
I and all of Am Yisrael hope and pray every day that Gilad and all of our MIA's will return home safely and healthy as soon as possible.
'ושבו בנים לגבולם'
Monday, August 2, 2010
Day 79 - BFG
I had taken another picture for today - but I can put it on hold until later this week (it has more of a serious side to it and it won't do it justice to write a small thing now before work)..
So, apart from that, Josh and I spent a fun day together relaxing, before we went to Ma'aleh Adumim for a large family BBQ with cousins who have come for a visit from England and even Australia!..
This image to me was just too cute - Big Josh with little Talia- and just look at the size difference! He couldn't hurt a fly.. =)
So, apart from that, Josh and I spent a fun day together relaxing, before we went to Ma'aleh Adumim for a large family BBQ with cousins who have come for a visit from England and even Australia!..
This image to me was just too cute - Big Josh with little Talia- and just look at the size difference! He couldn't hurt a fly.. =)
Day 78 - Havdalah
A photo of the ritual service at the end of the Shabbat, with the wine, singing, spices and candles.
To me it felt like a pseudo-camp vibe, our 5 guests and 3 flatmates all saying Havdalah together to end what was a very hot, very relaxing and very fun Shabbat (I wanted to say special Shabbat but I know what responses that will evoke!) - but in the same token, to welcome and signal in the start of a whole new week!
And after surviving one of the hottest Shabbatot we have had here, with the 18 for dinner, with the 5 guys sleeping over, without any air-con, the Havdalah which signalled we were all going to leave the house was a relief as well!
Have a great week all! =)
Day 77 - Maxed out
So tonight we had 18 people for dinner..and 5 people sleeping over..needless to say, it was really fun! But the heatwave that decided to land on Jerusalem on Friday night wasn't!
This picture is a personal thank-you to the Tafnit boys (lead by one Josh Isman) who were put in charge of cleaning our apartment Salon (their bedroom) and decorating it for the Shabbat can't see the little vases with the yellow roses but they were there to!
All in all and good tucker effort and a great Friday night!
This picture is a personal thank-you to the Tafnit boys (lead by one Josh Isman) who were put in charge of cleaning our apartment Salon (their bedroom) and decorating it for the Shabbat can't see the little vases with the yellow roses but they were there to!
All in all and good tucker effort and a great Friday night!
Day 75 - Hope
Saw this Graffiti drawn onto a panel of a glass door while walking through town this evening..
For me, I understood it as a double message;
(1) Being that we should know that there is hope for all our dreams and aspirations to come to fruition.
(2) That although some people think there is 'no hope', the light bulb is always sitting there (the light bulb being that common understood symbol for a bright new idea), meaning that some graffiti artist was trying to say, at the moment, there is no hope, but know that there is still the chance for hope and success in the future..
Keep smiling =)
For me, I understood it as a double message;
(1) Being that we should know that there is hope for all our dreams and aspirations to come to fruition.
(2) That although some people think there is 'no hope', the light bulb is always sitting there (the light bulb being that common understood symbol for a bright new idea), meaning that some graffiti artist was trying to say, at the moment, there is no hope, but know that there is still the chance for hope and success in the future..
Keep smiling =)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Day 74 - Harmony
Was walking through town tonight and saw this crowd of people - so went to check it out.
They were all crowded around these two little kids doing circus skills - the little kid on the left doing incredible tricks with a 'Diablo' and the one on the right, juggling.
The lady in the front wearing the shirt for 'Circus Harmony' I assumed was the Madricha/Leader. I still have no idea what it was for or what the Circus Harmony do (I will look it up) but for me I just enjoyed watching them shortly, and seeing the amusement and smiels it bought to the faces of all the onlookers to see these two little kids making everyone happy doing something they love..
They were all crowded around these two little kids doing circus skills - the little kid on the left doing incredible tricks with a 'Diablo' and the one on the right, juggling.
The lady in the front wearing the shirt for 'Circus Harmony' I assumed was the Madricha/Leader. I still have no idea what it was for or what the Circus Harmony do (I will look it up) but for me I just enjoyed watching them shortly, and seeing the amusement and smiels it bought to the faces of all the onlookers to see these two little kids making everyone happy doing something they love..
Day 73 - Ride

So today is a two part photo - just to show you all how cool my new Bike is..
I wanted to spend as much of my Sal Klita (the money i get for making Aliyah) on meaningful stuff and not only on boring basics like rent and phone bills and stuff..
So far, the first one bought me my double bed. And now, my latest acquisition is this fold-up bike. I'm chuffed, because I catch buses and then walk a lot - this makes the walking part that much easier because when I alight from the bus, I open up the bike and ride away..
I can highly recommend to others.. =)
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Day 72 - The Beginning..
So, had the Tzav Rishon today..Full health baby!..
Guess you can all guess what part of the test this was about to be.. =)
Guess you can all guess what part of the test this was about to be.. =)
Day 71 - Not mine..

So even though I didn't leave the house tonight because I wanted to relax and sleep before the Tzav Rishon on Sunday, I thought this picture I took the other night was a good replacement.
It was obviously put up by someone who opposes the Chabad belief that the Lubbavitcher Rebbe was the Mashiach..
I kind of found it ammusing and thought it merited world wide view..
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Day 69 - Missing
Day 69 - Thursday 22 July 2010
Sometimes you just don't manage to snap that photo you really want to..
I was walking home today and saw just the cutest, and sincerest image I think I've seen in a while - an elderly lady was walking down the street, struggling, bent over and walking slowly, while being supported by another elderly lady!
It's just hard to explain in words, but to me it exemplified kind deeds. Generally a deed you ascribe to a younger person, helping an elderly person - but in this notion, it opened up this action to be thought about in an entirely different avenue of thinking for me.
We are only as young as we feel (something my mother is very fond of saying), and in this notion, a good deed can be carried out anywhere, anytime, by anyone - and has no set parameters.
Kind of feeding on from the Tisha Be'Av rant, we must all look to continue to do random good deeds just because we can, in the knowledge that it will make someone else's life that little bit easier, and hopefully, most often, make them smile.
Day 68 - Sculpture

So that is just the intro picture..
After three weeks of not shaving, and the first time I actually have a beard for the Omer/3 Weeks in a while (well at least that I can remember), I thought that before shaving properly, I'd have some fun..
After thinking for some time, and being inspired from I have no idea where (I was thinking maybe the Boon Mo, though so far I have been called Hulk Hogan and Wolverine..) I went with the following look:
It comes down from the sideburns, up around for the Mo, then back down and mirror image on the other side back up the sideburn..
To quote the waitress at work: 'You're balls must be huge to be able to walk around looking like that.'
My answer was simple - I like to have fun in life and make people smile. I do what I do 'cos I do what I do and I do it 'cos I want to and don't care what other people will think!
Life is to be lived and enjoyed so why not! =)
Hope you're all getting a good laugh out of this! And now, after just over 24 hours of existence, the 'Hulk Boonvarine' as I just now called it has had it's day..let's go shave..
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Day 67 - Faith
Being Tisha Be'Av, the day of national mourning over the loss of both the first and second Temples, over 2000 years ago, I found it a time for personal introspection.
Are we really doing all we can to help remedy the reason we were put into this exile in the first place? Are we trying to rid the world of baseless hatred and trying to promote 'free love' and peace?
My Tisha Be'Av this year was vastly different from any I have ever experienced before - even the one here on MTA, which was a very moving one being my first in Israel; but it was all planned out and majority of it spent outside of Jerusalem.
Wanting to plan the 'perfect' experience, I was thinking about attending a reading of Megillat Eicha on Har Ha'Zeitim, overlooking the Temple Mount. Then in the morning I wanted to go visit Armon Ha'Natziv (The Promenade overlooking the entire city) and read Tehillim about the destruction and hopes for the rebuilding. Then to finally attend Mincha at the Kotel, looking up in the sky hoping for that moment of exaltation. Needless to say, only the latter part of this ideal reality took place - and I feel it was for the better.
The eve of Tisha Be'Av saw us attending one of the quickest services I have ever seen, Ma'ariv starting at 8.05pm - and the Megilla and Kinot all finished by 8.40pm..Thinking what to do now, we attending an event we had seen advertise, a public 'shiur' given by a visiting Rabbi from England, Rabbi YY Rubinstein, on the topic of "Tisha Be'Av and the Gaza Flotilla." This shiur reminded me very much of the traditional Tisha Be'Av Mussar Sichah of Rav Yoni back in Melbourne; this however not being a Mussar Sichah, more of a call to action. His main point was that whenever the Jews were exiled over the course of our history, we were exiled into a society whose central system of belief was to practice the actions (the sins) for which the Jews were exiled for; (ie) Idol Worship, Adultery, Bigamy, etc. In the hope that the over-exposure to such actions would remind the Jews of their sins and cause them to repent and be redeemed.
As such, the current exile at the destruction of the Second Temple, we were exiled into a society - the community of the world - who practice 'free hate', baseless hatred, in the hope that we would realise our actions, repent and be redeemed. The most recent miracle was the establishment of the State in 1948 - a sure sign we were on that road to recovery. However, where we find ourselves today, 62 years later, in a world that hates us and our country for no reason other than we are Jews, what are learning from the actions of the world when we as a people still cannot get along.
To paraphrase the Rabbi:
"There is one country that was established, and in it's short history has caused more wars then most countries in the world, to have forced it's neighbors to build up a nuclear arsenal and who itself could cause the destruction of the entire world, a country who in it's short history has brought in hundreds of thousands of people and caused a refugee problem that is impossible to solve, who's poverty is very evident and who's corrupt politicians get worse by the day - but I wish Pakistan and all it's people all the best for it's future endevours.
You all thought I was talking about Israel didn't you? The reason you thought this was because the world is full of Anti-Semites; who refuse to look at the exact same injustices happening in Israel that are happening all over the world. 1 Million people have died and are still in danger in Darfur - you think anyone really cares?!"
The message of Tisha Be'Av is that all Jews, ALL JEWS, whether you are Left, Right; Religious, Secular; Orthodox, Reform; Ashkenaz, Sepharadi; Black, White; need to start showing a little more respect and tolerance, and we all need to start making amends for the future.
As you can see, it was a pretty deep message and a very good one to leave me thinking for the remainder of the night/day.
In the morning, I attended Shacharit at the Shteiblach, the house of fortitude, where a Minyan is always accessible. There was a problem with rooms however, it was free roam to start your own service in any room, which meant all rooms were taken - so I joined a group who had started in the small side room, in the knowledge they would move into the big room shortly. When we moved in, another group had just wanted to start praying. Obviously, a fight broke out, and screaming, 'we were going to move in here,' 'we wanted to start' - kind of made me a bit sick and upset. This was the exact shit we were exiled for, no respect and the inablity to talk and work out a situation. People were shouting out 'join the minyanim together!' (Genius idea there) and I even chirped up and said 'what's all the arguing, just join together or move back next door.' It ended in one of the guys storming out and the rest all joining together..a great start to the day. Starting at 9.30am - we were done by 11am..but sitting on the ground, in the not so big room packed with all Jews mourning the destruction of the Temples and all the bad things that have happened to our people over the years, I was reminded the story of Napolean and the French Jews.
Napolean walked into a Shule during one of his conquests and saw all the Jews on the floor, crying, lamenting and fasting. He quickly asked, 'Who died, what is all this sorrow?'
The response he received was 'no-one has died, it is Tisha Be'Av - we are mourning the destruction of our Temples over a thousand years ago..' To this Napolean answered:
'If this is true, then the Jewish People will surely last forever.'
No matter what happens, to upset us as a people, from the small arguments to large wars; we still have tradition, faith, unity and the belief that all will be better..
We came home, and instead of going to the Tayelet, we stayed to watch sad movies. We watched Hotel Rwanda - which retrospectively was the best thing to do. I was feeling kind of out of the mood, leaving the Shule, coming home and sitting on the laptop - like all had just stopped and taken a pause of the essence of the day.
But watching that movie, really made me think - what are we, as Jews, doing about social injustices in this world? There is a part when one of the TV reporters shows footage and asks someone ' yeah all the people sitting at home in their houses will look up at the screen, watch the atrocities going on, say "Shame" and then look back down at their dinner's and continue eating - no-one gives a shit.'
We are in a generation of apathy - people are beginning to lose the drive and emotion of generations before. We need to really ask ourselves are we doing all that we can to make the world a better place? Are we as Jews really being a light unto the nations, or just another dimming lightbulb in this global community?
During the afternoon, we did visit the Kotel - something that in my opinion is a must on Tisha Be'Av. This is where today's photo comes from. It was either this Menorah, or a photo of a single pigeon sitting atop the Kotel who was looking down on everyone, admiring, for at least 20 minutes. I was thinking to myself, this could be the messenger, just like the dove in the story of Noach, to see whether the world is ready; but obviously this pigeon didn't take back the olive branch.
So as we were walking back up through the Jewish quarter (having walked down through the Arab shuk - a first for me), as I passed the Gold Menorah, which I am far used to seeing by now. yesterday, for some reason, it had a new message for me.
The Menorah was prepared by an organisation called 'Machon La'Mikdash' who are preparing all that they can, utensils, spices, garments, understanding and knowledge of Temple life, in the hope and faith that as soon as it is rebuilt, they will be able to get straight to work and not have to wait to learn everything from scratch.
To me, this epitomises the Faith we have as Jews, as religious Zionist Jews, living in the 'now' not stuck in the 'redemptive paralysis' of European Jewry, but understanding that for the Messiah to come and the Temple to be re-built, we need to act to bring it about, and not rely on wholly spiritual revelation. As Maimonodies states, the Messiah isn't going to be some mystical spiritual being, it's going to be a man, a person like all of us - but one who acts, who can bring together the Jewish people, who can reinstate the kingship of David, and the one who puts the final building block in the New Temple.
May we all merit to seeing this man come very soon..and may we all keep realising that there are things in this world that need changing, and do the best in our abilities to help change them.
במהרה בימינו, אמן.
Are we really doing all we can to help remedy the reason we were put into this exile in the first place? Are we trying to rid the world of baseless hatred and trying to promote 'free love' and peace?
My Tisha Be'Av this year was vastly different from any I have ever experienced before - even the one here on MTA, which was a very moving one being my first in Israel; but it was all planned out and majority of it spent outside of Jerusalem.
Wanting to plan the 'perfect' experience, I was thinking about attending a reading of Megillat Eicha on Har Ha'Zeitim, overlooking the Temple Mount. Then in the morning I wanted to go visit Armon Ha'Natziv (The Promenade overlooking the entire city) and read Tehillim about the destruction and hopes for the rebuilding. Then to finally attend Mincha at the Kotel, looking up in the sky hoping for that moment of exaltation. Needless to say, only the latter part of this ideal reality took place - and I feel it was for the better.
The eve of Tisha Be'Av saw us attending one of the quickest services I have ever seen, Ma'ariv starting at 8.05pm - and the Megilla and Kinot all finished by 8.40pm..Thinking what to do now, we attending an event we had seen advertise, a public 'shiur' given by a visiting Rabbi from England, Rabbi YY Rubinstein, on the topic of "Tisha Be'Av and the Gaza Flotilla." This shiur reminded me very much of the traditional Tisha Be'Av Mussar Sichah of Rav Yoni back in Melbourne; this however not being a Mussar Sichah, more of a call to action. His main point was that whenever the Jews were exiled over the course of our history, we were exiled into a society whose central system of belief was to practice the actions (the sins) for which the Jews were exiled for; (ie) Idol Worship, Adultery, Bigamy, etc. In the hope that the over-exposure to such actions would remind the Jews of their sins and cause them to repent and be redeemed.
As such, the current exile at the destruction of the Second Temple, we were exiled into a society - the community of the world - who practice 'free hate', baseless hatred, in the hope that we would realise our actions, repent and be redeemed. The most recent miracle was the establishment of the State in 1948 - a sure sign we were on that road to recovery. However, where we find ourselves today, 62 years later, in a world that hates us and our country for no reason other than we are Jews, what are learning from the actions of the world when we as a people still cannot get along.
To paraphrase the Rabbi:
"There is one country that was established, and in it's short history has caused more wars then most countries in the world, to have forced it's neighbors to build up a nuclear arsenal and who itself could cause the destruction of the entire world, a country who in it's short history has brought in hundreds of thousands of people and caused a refugee problem that is impossible to solve, who's poverty is very evident and who's corrupt politicians get worse by the day - but I wish Pakistan and all it's people all the best for it's future endevours.
You all thought I was talking about Israel didn't you? The reason you thought this was because the world is full of Anti-Semites; who refuse to look at the exact same injustices happening in Israel that are happening all over the world. 1 Million people have died and are still in danger in Darfur - you think anyone really cares?!"
The message of Tisha Be'Av is that all Jews, ALL JEWS, whether you are Left, Right; Religious, Secular; Orthodox, Reform; Ashkenaz, Sepharadi; Black, White; need to start showing a little more respect and tolerance, and we all need to start making amends for the future.
As you can see, it was a pretty deep message and a very good one to leave me thinking for the remainder of the night/day.
In the morning, I attended Shacharit at the Shteiblach, the house of fortitude, where a Minyan is always accessible. There was a problem with rooms however, it was free roam to start your own service in any room, which meant all rooms were taken - so I joined a group who had started in the small side room, in the knowledge they would move into the big room shortly. When we moved in, another group had just wanted to start praying. Obviously, a fight broke out, and screaming, 'we were going to move in here,' 'we wanted to start' - kind of made me a bit sick and upset. This was the exact shit we were exiled for, no respect and the inablity to talk and work out a situation. People were shouting out 'join the minyanim together!' (Genius idea there) and I even chirped up and said 'what's all the arguing, just join together or move back next door.' It ended in one of the guys storming out and the rest all joining together..a great start to the day. Starting at 9.30am - we were done by 11am..but sitting on the ground, in the not so big room packed with all Jews mourning the destruction of the Temples and all the bad things that have happened to our people over the years, I was reminded the story of Napolean and the French Jews.
Napolean walked into a Shule during one of his conquests and saw all the Jews on the floor, crying, lamenting and fasting. He quickly asked, 'Who died, what is all this sorrow?'
The response he received was 'no-one has died, it is Tisha Be'Av - we are mourning the destruction of our Temples over a thousand years ago..' To this Napolean answered:
'If this is true, then the Jewish People will surely last forever.'
No matter what happens, to upset us as a people, from the small arguments to large wars; we still have tradition, faith, unity and the belief that all will be better..
We came home, and instead of going to the Tayelet, we stayed to watch sad movies. We watched Hotel Rwanda - which retrospectively was the best thing to do. I was feeling kind of out of the mood, leaving the Shule, coming home and sitting on the laptop - like all had just stopped and taken a pause of the essence of the day.
But watching that movie, really made me think - what are we, as Jews, doing about social injustices in this world? There is a part when one of the TV reporters shows footage and asks someone ' yeah all the people sitting at home in their houses will look up at the screen, watch the atrocities going on, say "Shame" and then look back down at their dinner's and continue eating - no-one gives a shit.'
We are in a generation of apathy - people are beginning to lose the drive and emotion of generations before. We need to really ask ourselves are we doing all that we can to make the world a better place? Are we as Jews really being a light unto the nations, or just another dimming lightbulb in this global community?
During the afternoon, we did visit the Kotel - something that in my opinion is a must on Tisha Be'Av. This is where today's photo comes from. It was either this Menorah, or a photo of a single pigeon sitting atop the Kotel who was looking down on everyone, admiring, for at least 20 minutes. I was thinking to myself, this could be the messenger, just like the dove in the story of Noach, to see whether the world is ready; but obviously this pigeon didn't take back the olive branch.
So as we were walking back up through the Jewish quarter (having walked down through the Arab shuk - a first for me), as I passed the Gold Menorah, which I am far used to seeing by now. yesterday, for some reason, it had a new message for me.
The Menorah was prepared by an organisation called 'Machon La'Mikdash' who are preparing all that they can, utensils, spices, garments, understanding and knowledge of Temple life, in the hope and faith that as soon as it is rebuilt, they will be able to get straight to work and not have to wait to learn everything from scratch.
To me, this epitomises the Faith we have as Jews, as religious Zionist Jews, living in the 'now' not stuck in the 'redemptive paralysis' of European Jewry, but understanding that for the Messiah to come and the Temple to be re-built, we need to act to bring it about, and not rely on wholly spiritual revelation. As Maimonodies states, the Messiah isn't going to be some mystical spiritual being, it's going to be a man, a person like all of us - but one who acts, who can bring together the Jewish people, who can reinstate the kingship of David, and the one who puts the final building block in the New Temple.
May we all merit to seeing this man come very soon..and may we all keep realising that there are things in this world that need changing, and do the best in our abilities to help change them.
במהרה בימינו, אמן.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Day 66 - For Minnie..
Woke up this morning to some sad news, our beloved pet Jack Russel, Minnie, died from a seizure on Monday afternoon, aged 9 years old.
She was a great pet, a cute little hoont and a much loved companion to Zack.
We never think the day will come when pet's will move on, and yet, when it does happen, it makes us realise how much of an impact they actually have on our lives. The little rat, as she was commonly called, was a ball of energy - always lapping up the chance to run around with a ball, or play with whoever would come up to her.
She loved her food - there was no being picky with little Minnie - the small dog with the surprisingly endless stomach. I remember many a time seeing her struggling to breathe while lying on her mat after dinner, having consumed not only her's, but Zack's dinner that he didn't finish!..
Her favorite toy in the backyard - the washing line, is something that will always remind me of her.
And Dad's favorite thing to do, give her a bone that was almost double her size! Watch her take it, pick at it a little bit, go and bury it and then pester Zack to try and steal and eat his - while her's was stored away for a later date! This favorite pastime is memorialised in today's image, though not one I took today, (but off a camera phone so it's still with the trend) but a needed token to pay homage to a dear little pet who will surely be missed.
To my dear little sister, who had to witness the passing of her dear Minnie, I pay you massive respect for your ability to stand strong through all this and know that we will all come out of this stronger.
Enjoy Doggie heaven Mins, and keep singing for all of us =)
She was a great pet, a cute little hoont and a much loved companion to Zack.
We never think the day will come when pet's will move on, and yet, when it does happen, it makes us realise how much of an impact they actually have on our lives. The little rat, as she was commonly called, was a ball of energy - always lapping up the chance to run around with a ball, or play with whoever would come up to her.
She loved her food - there was no being picky with little Minnie - the small dog with the surprisingly endless stomach. I remember many a time seeing her struggling to breathe while lying on her mat after dinner, having consumed not only her's, but Zack's dinner that he didn't finish!..
Her favorite toy in the backyard - the washing line, is something that will always remind me of her.
And Dad's favorite thing to do, give her a bone that was almost double her size! Watch her take it, pick at it a little bit, go and bury it and then pester Zack to try and steal and eat his - while her's was stored away for a later date! This favorite pastime is memorialised in today's image, though not one I took today, (but off a camera phone so it's still with the trend) but a needed token to pay homage to a dear little pet who will surely be missed.
To my dear little sister, who had to witness the passing of her dear Minnie, I pay you massive respect for your ability to stand strong through all this and know that we will all come out of this stronger.
Enjoy Doggie heaven Mins, and keep singing for all of us =)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Day 65 - Bertha
There is this Cat that roams up and down my street, terrorizing all the other cats and lurking around like she's the queen of the street; I have named her 'Big Bertha'
I have not seen Bertha for a few weeks, but managed to find her perched outside my place the other day - so I quickly got out the camera and snapped this image before she bolted out of sight..
Day 65 - Sunday 18 July 2010
Bertha rules the roost, as she is a victim and survivor of the urban warfare that is being a stray cat in Jerusalem.
I don't know if you can see from the great quality of my camera phone, but Bertha has been bleached from about half way down (look really closely) which means she is half black and half this seedy bleached brown colour. As well, she is missing an ear and I think an eyeball - I'm assuming from fights over territory or monarchy..
In either way, she's a mean bugger and this is a testiment to Bertha - don't you ever come anywhere near me or my house or I'll take over.. =)
I have not seen Bertha for a few weeks, but managed to find her perched outside my place the other day - so I quickly got out the camera and snapped this image before she bolted out of sight..

Bertha rules the roost, as she is a victim and survivor of the urban warfare that is being a stray cat in Jerusalem.
I don't know if you can see from the great quality of my camera phone, but Bertha has been bleached from about half way down (look really closely) which means she is half black and half this seedy bleached brown colour. As well, she is missing an ear and I think an eyeball - I'm assuming from fights over territory or monarchy..
In either way, she's a mean bugger and this is a testiment to Bertha - don't you ever come anywhere near me or my house or I'll take over.. =)
Day 64 - Cookies
I do like some good cookies..and I have't baked cookies in a while so maybe I should..
This next piece of Graffiti Art is a humorous one but also quite meaningful. I'm still not sure how to put in words what I think about it, so I'll let you all think for yourselves and please feel free to write a comment.. (I went back today to take it again in better light)
This next piece of Graffiti Art is a humorous one but also quite meaningful. I'm still not sure how to put in words what I think about it, so I'll let you all think for yourselves and please feel free to write a comment.. (I went back today to take it again in better light)
Day 63 - Challah
I went with Malka to help prepare for Shabbat lunch at the family we were eating at..and I was abducted and put through the first of what I have been warned are many cooking classes! The first and most important in her 'Shidduch Material' test is to bake Challah..
I swear we were talking about how I have a recipe from my cousin, and I know how to bake and just cannot be bothered this week - so I was going to go and buy. Which was met with, that's OK - next time you come around I'll teach you how to bake my Challot. 5 Minutes later we were opening up the yeast and making dough! Go figure!
I was also told how to do the six plait - which is seemingly rather easy and cool!..
Here is the semi-final piece - the photo that I was made to take for my 'Teudah' of being able to make Challot! Be proud Ma! =)
I swear we were talking about how I have a recipe from my cousin, and I know how to bake and just cannot be bothered this week - so I was going to go and buy. Which was met with, that's OK - next time you come around I'll teach you how to bake my Challot. 5 Minutes later we were opening up the yeast and making dough! Go figure!
I was also told how to do the six plait - which is seemingly rather easy and cool!..
Here is the semi-final piece - the photo that I was made to take for my 'Teudah' of being able to make Challot! Be proud Ma! =)
Day 62 - Masked
So I covered for someone who was sick at work today which meant that I did a double shift - nothing that exciting to grab a photo of..
Luckily I have spares!
Luckily I have spares!
Day 61 - Flip the Birdie
So I was walking with Nurit (a friend from Perth) around the Shuk today and when we saw this store for rogelach, we turned and she was freaked out by the seemingly dead birds hanging around the food!
Turns out they were put there on purpose (I'm assuming to keep away the flies and bees) and they just hang there, looking rather creepy..still, found it rather amusing and thought it deserved a snap!
Turns out they were put there on purpose (I'm assuming to keep away the flies and bees) and they just hang there, looking rather creepy..still, found it rather amusing and thought it deserved a snap!
Day 60 - New & Old
Spent the day again on Tel Aviv I love that chilled, nice sun, nice sand, nice water! It's great to get out of Jerusalem (as much as I love that place to!) and to relax somewhere different..The crazy thing being you get on a Sherut/Bus for 45 mins and you're in a completely different city - almost a completely different world!..
I'm thinking of making this a tradition (well until the army anyway) of taking of work and making it Tel Aviv Tuesdays..spending it chilling on the beach!
Kitzur, this photo came about while I was looking around on Trumpeldor Beach and noticed that you could see the ancient port city of Jaffa around the bend - again, although the camera phone doesnt't really show it, I liked the contrast between old and new..
Spent the night back in J'town eating various Milk delicacies..was very nice!
Hope all are smiling and even happy that I'm finally updating the blog! =)
Day 59 - Tradition
For Hundreds of years when they were in existence, the Jews of Israel had the tradition of going to the Temple for the Shalosh Regallim, but also for the service on Rosh Chodesh, the first day of the Month.
My cousins in Israel have the tradition to go and pray Shacharit (the morning prayer) at the Kotel every Rosh Chodesh. I to want to attempt to uphold this tradition - started by my Jewish ancestors thousands years ago. I may not be able to go every month, but it is the thought and attempt that counts.
It is said that we must visit the Kotel and the sight of the Temple mount, to remember Jerusalem at least once a month, and if not, we must tear our clothes and repent once more at the sight of the destroyed temple; this is my way of attempting to keep this promise. The promise that every Groom recites at his wedding,
אם אשכחך ירושלים, תשכח ימיני; תדבק לשוני לחכי אם לא אזכרכי, אִם לֹא אַעֲלֶה אֶת יְרוּשָׁלִַם עַל רֹאשׁ שִׂמְחָתִי
(תהילים פרק קלז)1
(תהילים פרק קלז)1
The promise the Jews sang on their way into the exile;
עַל נַהֲרוֹת, בָּבֶל--שָׁם יָשַׁבְנוּ, גַּם-בָּכִינוּ: בְּזָכְרֵנוּ, אֶת-צִיּוֹן (תהילים פרק קלז)1
So that one day they would merit to sing;
ויש-תקוה לאחריתך, נאם-יהוה; ושבו בנים, לגבולם (ירמיהי פרק לא)טו
It was a cool feeling going to pray there - it's only the second time I've gone back for Tfilla since making Aliyah. But to me, it was more than just prayer, it was really reconnecting with the divine presence of this beautiful land.
Day 58 - Final(ly)
So today we finally got a TV!
Thanks to my flatmate David, who has been rigorously scouring the internet every day to find a TV for sale, he managed to find one just in time for the World Cup Final - hence the title of today's image - Final(ly). We watched the World Cup Final at home on our TV which we Finally managed to find..
Day 58 - Sunday 11 July 2010
We were planning on going out to town to enjoy the atmosphere of the pubs and crazy people watching the final, but upon realising Sunday night was Rosh Chodesh, which meant the start of the 9 days, and the lack of ability to eat meat and drink - we decided to stay home, invite friends and create our own atmosphere..
It was fun and a great night..Plus we now have 40 channels of TV.. =)
Thanks to my flatmate David, who has been rigorously scouring the internet every day to find a TV for sale, he managed to find one just in time for the World Cup Final - hence the title of today's image - Final(ly). We watched the World Cup Final at home on our TV which we Finally managed to find..

We were planning on going out to town to enjoy the atmosphere of the pubs and crazy people watching the final, but upon realising Sunday night was Rosh Chodesh, which meant the start of the 9 days, and the lack of ability to eat meat and drink - we decided to stay home, invite friends and create our own atmosphere..
It was fun and a great night..Plus we now have 40 channels of TV.. =)
Day 57 - Aimez..

Pretty sure I was working this Saturday night as well..but this is another addition to the Graffiti art collection I saw on the way home (I went back past during the day to get a better shot in more light)..
In French it reads 'Aimez L'Apartheid' which according to Google Translate means: 'Do Apartheid' or in more proper English, we support the apartheid. Yet again, another controversial piece of artwork - firstly for saying it aligns that Israel IS an apartheid state and then on the flip side that it supports it - something both camps for and against would have a big response to..
Just makes you think hey..
In French it reads 'Aimez L'Apartheid' which according to Google Translate means: 'Do Apartheid' or in more proper English, we support the apartheid. Yet again, another controversial piece of artwork - firstly for saying it aligns that Israel IS an apartheid state and then on the flip side that it supports it - something both camps for and against would have a big response to..
Just makes you think hey..
Day 56 - Sweet
What's an Erev Shabbat without a trip to the Shuk!?
(I mean I don't think I took this on Erev Shabbat, it was from another day, but it's a rhetorical question OK!?)
The lolly shop in the Shuk is always a crowd favorite on Erev Shabbat, picking up kilo's of lollies for cheap..and regardless of the fact that I was probably working until late into the hours of Friday on this day, I feel like I would have preferred to have been buying lollies in the Shuk!
Hope the Shabbat was great for everyone! =)
I just realised there was meant to be a completely different photo for today! I'll post it underneath here and merely say again, והמבין יבין - and I will be very impressed if someone other than my flatmates understands it.. =)
(I mean I don't think I took this on Erev Shabbat, it was from another day, but it's a rhetorical question OK!?)
The lolly shop in the Shuk is always a crowd favorite on Erev Shabbat, picking up kilo's of lollies for cheap..and regardless of the fact that I was probably working until late into the hours of Friday on this day, I feel like I would have preferred to have been buying lollies in the Shuk!
Hope the Shabbat was great for everyone! =)
I just realised there was meant to be a completely different photo for today! I'll post it underneath here and merely say again, והמבין יבין - and I will be very impressed if someone other than my flatmates understands it.. =)

Day 55 - Token
So when it comes to work, I'm one of two people that wear a Kippah (Jewish skullcap) at all times.
This means that I have become the token guy to take the kippa off when they one's who don't wear kippot want to say a Bracha!..
This is a cute little snap when my boss, after finishing to eat dinner felt like benching (grace after meals) and borrowed my kippah..As I couldn't walk away, the next best thing was to take a picture! =)
It makes me happy to know that I can be of this service - like Rav Kook says, in every Jew there is the pitzkele Yid (the little Jew) who always craves the return to the religious center..Most Non-religious Israelis have this base and knowledge about religious matters so to be able to help out here and there always makes me proud..
This means that I have become the token guy to take the kippa off when they one's who don't wear kippot want to say a Bracha!..
This is a cute little snap when my boss, after finishing to eat dinner felt like benching (grace after meals) and borrowed my kippah..As I couldn't walk away, the next best thing was to take a picture! =)
It makes me happy to know that I can be of this service - like Rav Kook says, in every Jew there is the pitzkele Yid (the little Jew) who always craves the return to the religious center..Most Non-religious Israelis have this base and knowledge about religious matters so to be able to help out here and there always makes me proud..
Day 54 - I ♥ TLV

Needless to say, spent the day on Tel Aviv Beach for the first time since I got here!
Was great fun to go and chill, get some sun, swim in the awesome Mediterranean water, play some bat ball and get stung 7 times by Jelly Fish!.. I wanna start coining TLV Tuesdays..Make Chof Trumpeldor my own..
Regardless of the last part (which didn't really hurt that much) it was a great relaxing day, followed by another World Cup and burgers out in a pub..and all Kosher - this is the life!
Was great fun to go and chill, get some sun, swim in the awesome Mediterranean water, play some bat ball and get stung 7 times by Jelly Fish!.. I wanna start coining TLV Tuesdays..Make Chof Trumpeldor my own..
Regardless of the last part (which didn't really hurt that much) it was a great relaxing day, followed by another World Cup and burgers out in a pub..and all Kosher - this is the life!
Day 53 - Manners

Spent the day chilling in Jerusalem because I had my first Ortho appointment in the late afternoon..
Regardless of that side fact - I would like to say this post is about the over-presence of manners in the Israeli society - but we all know that's going a bit far!..
The image above show's a graffiti label on Rechov Agripas (on the way to the Shuk) which in Hebrew reads:
'Na Lo LeHashtin'
'Please don't pee here'
If you walked past this spot, you can smell that no-one listens to the sign! (In fact you can even see the pools in the picture!)
I laughed, thinking that this is merely one of those occasions where by actively writing not to do something in that place, it gave people the idea to do it..and therefore lead to the wretched stench!..
Just have to keep smiling.. =)
Plus we went out for the World Cup Final tonight to one of the sports pubs here..great to be able to go out, watch the match on a big screen TV, eat kosher burgers and drink beer! Man this really is the promised land.. =)
'Please don't pee here'
If you walked past this spot, you can smell that no-one listens to the sign! (In fact you can even see the pools in the picture!)
I laughed, thinking that this is merely one of those occasions where by actively writing not to do something in that place, it gave people the idea to do it..and therefore lead to the wretched stench!..
Just have to keep smiling.. =)
Plus we went out for the World Cup Final tonight to one of the sports pubs here..great to be able to go out, watch the match on a big screen TV, eat kosher burgers and drink beer! Man this really is the promised land.. =)
Day 52 - RSPCA
Working another double shift today at not much exciting!
But saw this little praying mantis at the entrance of the shop and did my part to try and get it out of the shop without being squashed..
It included the trick to try and get it latched onto my shoe - which worked - and then the hopping journey to the outside of the shop, and then kicking it softly onto the bike outside so it wouldn't get squashed on the sidewalk! The people in the shop (as did my boss) got a good laugh out of this!
But I was happy in the end.. =)
Another funny story..after the long day of work, went to a friend's place for some casual 1am drinks (had the nest 2 days off work for the first time in a while!)..which is always great to relax going out at 1am..
keep smiling =)
But saw this little praying mantis at the entrance of the shop and did my part to try and get it out of the shop without being squashed..
It included the trick to try and get it latched onto my shoe - which worked - and then the hopping journey to the outside of the shop, and then kicking it softly onto the bike outside so it wouldn't get squashed on the sidewalk! The people in the shop (as did my boss) got a good laugh out of this!
But I was happy in the end.. =)
Day 52 - Monday 5 July 2010
Another funny story..after the long day of work, went to a friend's place for some casual 1am drinks (had the nest 2 days off work for the first time in a while!)..which is always great to relax going out at 1am..
keep smiling =)
Day 51 - Old Friends
It is always nice to have old friends from Australia come to visit - even though I've only been here a short while I do miss all of you already!
I met up with Deon, a mate from Melbourne, and yet again tried to get classy with the camera phone..
Enjoy =)
I met up with Deon, a mate from Melbourne, and yet again tried to get classy with the camera phone..
Enjoy =)
Day 50 - Protection
Another Graffiti Art addition..
The Hebrew reads:
The Hebrew reads:
'Yeled Lo Rotzeh Lishmor Al HaOlam'
'A child doesn't want to protect the world'
This is definitely a political statement against the Israeli Army and conscription - that teenagers and young adults from 18 and up don't want to be protecting the country and the world.
Again this is one persons opinion - and I'm sure is shared by a certain proportion of Israeli's - but I do like to view it as well on the opposite side of the spectrum; in the view of those that see the defense of the State of Israel as our responsibility. There are definitely certain proportions who see this as a natural right and serve with pride..
Just to keep thinking.. and smiling =)
'A child doesn't want to protect the world'
This is definitely a political statement against the Israeli Army and conscription - that teenagers and young adults from 18 and up don't want to be protecting the country and the world.
Again this is one persons opinion - and I'm sure is shared by a certain proportion of Israeli's - but I do like to view it as well on the opposite side of the spectrum; in the view of those that see the defense of the State of Israel as our responsibility. There are definitely certain proportions who see this as a natural right and serve with pride..
Just to keep thinking.. and smiling =)
Day 49 - Pondering
This image is another addition to the Graffiti Art collection.
I call it pondering for two reasons; the first being that the person in the artwork is obviously in a thinking/pondering pose.
The second being that I myself cannot seem to work out who the artwork is representing. At first I thought it must definitely be Rabin or Peres, but after looking at it again and again (I pass it everyday on the way to work) I feel like it could be Olmert or another political figure.
Any suggestions would be gratefully accepted!
Keep smiling =)
Day 48 - Inshallah..
Got to work this afternoon to be told we had a group of 25 people coming in..Sounded OK.
At 11.00pm..Sounded BAD..
Needless to say, my boss was up for some fun times, and as the group started to make toasts for their staff, my boss pulled out the bottle of Bushmills Whiskey and started pouring Chasers (in Aussie terms 'a shot' but in Israeli Terms a half a shot) for his 5 staff..We started at about 12.30am and by the time we had finished packing up at 2am the bottle was long since finished..
He coined the new term - בבא עובד אינשאללה - so thank's g-d all was good and fun and it serves as one of the more comical late nights at work I've had..reminded me of all those fun nights at Red Scooter after the long functions!..
The following picture is an ode to the first L'Chaim of the night..
At 11.00pm..Sounded BAD..
Needless to say, my boss was up for some fun times, and as the group started to make toasts for their staff, my boss pulled out the bottle of Bushmills Whiskey and started pouring Chasers (in Aussie terms 'a shot' but in Israeli Terms a half a shot) for his 5 staff..We started at about 12.30am and by the time we had finished packing up at 2am the bottle was long since finished..
He coined the new term - בבא עובד אינשאללה - so thank's g-d all was good and fun and it serves as one of the more comical late nights at work I've had..reminded me of all those fun nights at Red Scooter after the long functions!..
The following picture is an ode to the first L'Chaim of the night..
Day 47 - A Hard Days Work
So after the fast yesterday and saying goodbye to friends this morning, I had my first double shift at work..and man was it crazy!..
Needless to say, a hard day's work needs a good cold beer, and in the light of no VB, the best cold beer in the house was Foster's..
So this is my trial at an artistic photo at 1.30am.. Keep smiling =)
Needless to say, a hard day's work needs a good cold beer, and in the light of no VB, the best cold beer in the house was Foster's..
So this is my trial at an artistic photo at 1.30am.. Keep smiling =)
Day 46 - Lateness
So sleeping in and being late to morning prayers in Melbourne was often quite hard..It meant that if I wasn't awake by a set time, I would miss the set times to pray and would therefore be left frantically searching for a Minyan, or giving up and praying at home.
Thankfully, for living in the promised land, and in the holiest city, I have the joy of the 'Shteiblach' near my place (the 'minyan factory as mentioned in a previous post) and as you can see from the photo, when I woke up at 9.47am, I was still able to catch a service at 10.00am, on a fast day!
(This picture was taken at the end of the prayers)
The other joy of the day was that I had to work in the afternoon/evening/night. The chef's were really nice and at the end of the fast, when I had already told them all I needed to do was pray and drink water to keep going, they made me sit down in the middle of a full service to eat dinner and get back some energy..great place!
Made me smile the rest of the night! =)
Thankfully, for living in the promised land, and in the holiest city, I have the joy of the 'Shteiblach' near my place (the 'minyan factory as mentioned in a previous post) and as you can see from the photo, when I woke up at 9.47am, I was still able to catch a service at 10.00am, on a fast day!
(This picture was taken at the end of the prayers)
The other joy of the day was that I had to work in the afternoon/evening/night. The chef's were really nice and at the end of the fast, when I had already told them all I needed to do was pray and drink water to keep going, they made me sit down in the middle of a full service to eat dinner and get back some energy..great place!
Made me smile the rest of the night! =)
Monday, June 28, 2010
Day 45 - Linner
Stole the idea from 'How I met your mother' to have a family dinner over the Skype..nice one Ericson family..
So I sat down for lunch, as my family in Melbourne sat down for dinner with the laptop open at the table and we had a great meal! I found the idea hilarious and successful..I think it was the same on the other end!
I highly recommend it for anyone away from family - it really is fun! =)
Day 44 - Tzav
So I got my Tzav Rishon in the mail today - which is the first letter you get from the army, usually at age 17, to go for the round of tests and exams which define your 'profile' in the army and subsequently which unit you will go into.
Had a little bit of התרגשות as you say in Hebrew when I saw the letter and read it, but then, felt calm and happiness knowing that the next stage in my plans, and my dream of Aliyah was about to begin..
Keep Smiling. =)
Day 43 - Hebrish
So nothing artistic at all with this one! Just found it a cute picture..
Was on my out for my first night off in about 2 and a half weeks and saw that the bus stop sign was spelled incorrectly..made me laugh and for some reason, became photo of the day..
Language barrier yet again humors me.. =)
Day 42 - Yiddeshe Balabusta
Found myself being in a mad last minute rush to finish the cooking for Shabbat - but thankfully came out with the image above - Chicken soup, Challot and Desert..
The Desert for some reason didn't come out so perfectly, but the other stuff did!
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