Sunday, May 15, 2011

The end

So today marks a year since i made aliyah, and the end of the project!!..

Now even though it may seem as if i failed, i maintained the picture taking and now only have a massive backlog to finish uploading!!..

It will take sometime, but will be done..

Thanks to all who watched along..and look forward to catching up whenever i get the chance to upload!.. =p

The pics for today may be changed, but atm are here to symbolize where i have gotten to as of today, the year of my aliyah..proudly in the army, in the Givati brigade..wearing my purple beret and absolutely loving life!!.. =)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day of stars

Tiyul to begin museum for the stars of the pluga..hahaha..yeah what a great one way to start the regilla!!.. =)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another day..

Sunrise over Susya..

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Yet again..

So today has been spent going out to where we'll be doing shmirot over the next week, over the beginning of pesach..
Took this photo on the way through the checkpoint into the area of chevron.
the added touch of the 'israel' scratched into the window gives it something as well..

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Yet another day

We took part in this competition today between all the training bases, we have to wait to hear if we won, but at the moment, we have a pretty good chance..
Our division ran the fitness test and did the knowledge exam- and took out both of them successfully, so we merit the fist of three half hour drives to the bus station to go!
Here's an image of just how rushed and crammed we are- bags in aisles and all.. =)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Another day

We got told we have all of a few day which turned into hours to design our end of tironut here's a pic showing our rushed efforts to design right before submission..something Im already well used to.. =p

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day somethingorother..

So having got myself this nifty new phone with 24/7 access to the net, ill be trying very hard to keep the blog up to date from now on..

Kitzur, todays photo is the empty kub`e bowl..because whats a shabbat home from the army without a visit to the good old baba for some friday arvo kub`e..

Shabbat shalom